Saturday, 22 February 2025


The International Mobility Office has published the applications for Pannonia scholarship mobilities for the academic year of 2025/2026.

More information available:

Applications must be submitted by the 23rd of February, 2025 via the followinig e-mail address: or in person to the departmental coordinator.

Come and study at the Béla Bartók Faculty of Arts with a Scholarship!

A spanyolországi Conservatorio Superior de Música Andrés Vandelvira „Zenekari Találkozó: Szimfóniától a Szólókoncertig” néven projektet hirdet, ami várja a diákok jelentkezését.

Spain's Conservatorio Superior de Música Andrés Vandelvira announces a project called " Orchestral Meeting: From Symphony to Soloist Concert " and is waiting for students to apply.

The world is opening up for citizens of the University of Szeged with the Pannónia Scholarship Program. 

With the Pannónia Scholarship Program, valuable international and unforgettable experiences await students and teachers of SZTE outside and within Europe, in almost any country in the world. The amount of support can be up to 400,000 HUF per month.

We hereby would like to draw your attention to the call for applications for DAAD scholarships for the academic year 2025/26, with which you can gain study or research experience at different German universities.

Pannon University is organizing a summer university for Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship students in Veszprém this summer.

The Kingdom of Morocco makes available to brother and friendly countries quotas of educational places with scholarships, in Moroccan public establishments of higher, technical and vocational education, under the academic year 2024/2025.

More details:

The new DAAD scholarship informations are available now for study and research in Germany in

2024/25! You can find all the details at our homepage:

We offer an online information session on September 8th at 2 pm specially for students of the field of Music and Architecture. Please find the details here:

The new DAAD scholarship informations are available now for study and research in Germany in 2023/24.

As per the amendment of Act CCIV of 2011 On National Higher Education (hereinafter reffered to as ANHE) in force from July 10, 2016, the scholarship is to be named the ‘National Higher Education Scholarship’.

A National Higher Education Scholarship may be awarded to students with outstanding achievement in studier or outstanding professional work performed.

Are you up to study in the Heart of Europe at Hungary's best University?

Choose one of the offered programmes for international students at the University of Szeged and Apply to the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship by January 16th, 2021.

Apply Now!

Before applying, please check and study the programme description of your interest. Each description has its specific paragraph about the application process and a link to the online application platform. Fill in the online application form, upload the necessary documents and check your mailbox regularly.

For more information click here.