február 10. - május 24.Egész napos
március 7.19:00 - 20:00
március 24. 17:00 - április 1. 21:00
április 8. - 10.Egész napos
április 14. - 22.Egész napos
The Announcement of the Competition, which will take place from 8 to 17 September 2023, is about to be published.
PRIZES: the prize money is € 39,420 (€ 32,000 for the finalists and 7,420 special prizes divided into the three rounds, as per regulations).
FREE HALF-BOARD ACCOMMODATION: all competitors will be granted free half-board accommodation in student boarding schools from 7 September, during official participation. Companions for a fee will be accommodated.
JURY: it is made up of an Italian composer and six distinguished violinists from Argentina, Iceland, Japan, Ukraine, South Africa and Italy, , with neutrality guaranteed by the Organizing Committee.
MAXIMUM AGE: violinists of any nationality born after 17 September 1990 (32 years old) can participate.
RULES FOR ADMISSION: considering the difficulties of sending by post, all documents can be forwarded by e-mail
REGISTRATION FORM: to be sent to the Competition Secretariat, BEFORE 30 APRIL 2023.