2024. december 16. 08:00 - 2025. február 1. 16:00
2025. február 3. 08:00 - 8. 16:00
2025. június 30. 10:00 - július 4. 20:00
Abstract Submission Deadline: 30TH April 2023
The Call for Papers is addressed to teachers, researchers and experts in the field of teaching and learning as well as to coordinators of teaching and training projects.
All accepted papers will be:
üPublished in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN, ISSN and DOI codes.
üIncluded in and indexed in Google Scholar.
üSent to be reviewed for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index by ISI-Clarivate- Web of Science.
During the hybrid conference:
§ All accepted papers at the conference will be presented on-site and on-line.
§ Interactive Questions and Answers sessions will follow each paper presentation.
§ Poster Presentation Sessions will also be held, on-site and on-line.
§ Networking Opportunities will be organized.
For further information please check:
Szegedi Tudományegyetem Bartók Béla Művészeti Kar
6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt 79-81.
Központi telefonszám: 62/544-605