február 10. - május 24.Egész napos
március 7.19:00 - 20:00
március 10.09:00 - 10:00
március 24. 17:00 - április 1. 21:00
április 8. - 10.Egész napos
If it's spring, then the SZTE Alma Mater challenge is here again, where we count on your individual results to find out which faculty or unit will be the most athletic and active in spring 2023!
Duration of the challenge: 10 April - 4 June 2023
All former and current SZTE students, aka the SZTE alumni community, SZTE staff and current students.
What type of exercise can be used to collect kilometres?
A guaranteed prize draw of 23 gifts for participants who regularly logged their data for at least 6 weeks, as long as they completed at least 23 kilometres during the challenge.
Once again, we have a common goal! This year, the goal of the SZTE Alma Mater community is to "visit" the universities of the EUGLOH association. For the virtual tour we need to collect together about 13.000 km.
The results will be announced and drawn at the Alma Mater Weekend and Sports Day on 10 June 2023 at the SZTE Sports Centre between 10:00-12:00, while the ceremonial awarding of the common goal will take place on 20 September 2023 at the IDUS (International University Sports Day).
Read the details of registration here:
For the Hungarian Facebook post, go to: