február 10. - május 24.Egész napos
március 7.19:00 - 20:00
március 10.09:00 - 10:00
március 24. 17:00 - április 1. 21:00
április 8. - 10.Egész napos
On the occasion of the 12th International Competition “Franz Schubert and Modern Music” 2025, member of the World Federation of International Music Competitions and the Alink-Argerich Foundation, contemporary compositions for Trio for Piano, Violin and Violoncello (Piano Trio) are sought. The primary aim of this competition is to encourage the creation of new works for this chamber music category.
The prizewinning work will be on the programme of the above-mentioned competition in February 2025 as a compulsory piece in the category Piano Trio and will be premiered and performed several times.
The competition is open to the public and invites composers from all nations and stateless persons to apply.
Age limit
38 years (born after March 27, 1986)
Submission deadline
March 27, 2024
Prize money
€ 5.000
The jury consisting of seven internationally renowned personalities (composers and instrumentalists), chaired by Chia Chou, will be announced on our website.
A composition for Trio for Piano, Violin and Violoncello is to be submitted with a maximum performance duration of 15 minutes.
Please submit the application form, a scan of your ID and an anonymous score under a pseudonym as well as a short biography including education and teachers via MUVAC.
(details will be announced on our website)
The work may not already have been accepted for a premiere performance and not been performed in public. In addition, the composition must not have been published until the announcement of the prizewinning works or, in case of being selected as prizewinning work, until February 2025.
The submissions will be presented anonymously to the jurors for evaluation. The decision regarding the prizewinning piece will be reached in a jury meeting by July 2024 and applicants will then be informed of the results. The jury is also free to split the prize and recognise two works as prizewinning works.
The premiere performance is reserved for the 12th International Competition “Franz Schubert and Modern Music”. The official award ceremony will take place during this competition in February 2025 in Graz.
The prize money is a gross amount. The amount actually paid out will be subject to the deduction of any taxes due in Austria, which have to be transferred by the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz directly to the tax office.
In addition to the cash prize
The prizewinning composition will be included as a compulsory piece in the repertoire of the category
Trio for Piano, Violin and Violoncello in the 12th International Competition “Franz Schubert and Modern Music”. In the event of two prizewinning works, the choice will be left to the participants. In February 2025 the prizewinning work(s) will be premiered.
Like the previous editions, the competition will be recorded.
All compositions, which were selected by the jury, will be included in the library of the University of Music
and Performing Arts Graz.
The prizewinners will be invited to take part in the award ceremony. Travel and hotel expenses will be covered by the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.
To be submitted
– the signed application form
– a scan of passport or ID
– the anonymous copy of the score (with a pseudonym of your choice instead of your name)
– a short biography including education and teachers
via MUVAC (The application will be open from November 27, 2023 until March 27, 2024.)
DEADLINE: March 27, 2024
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
Competition Office
Leonhardstraße 15, 8010 Graz/Austria
T: +43 316 389 1900;+43 664 88761832