Saturday, 18 May 2024


Campus Maps

A high standard of education demands a pleasant environment.

The University of Szeged does not have a campus, but in place of that it has a unique charm. In the city centre and across the river, old, eclectic or modern university buildings are to be found around every corner. Our educational, study and meeting point is the University of Szeged József Attila Study and Information Centre, a multiple architectural prize winner, included among the ten most beautiful libraries in the world. This is where the “heart of the university beats”. Besides the construction of this outstanding glass building, a number of development projects have led to the renewal of several university buildings.


Apply Now!

Before applying, please check and study the programme description of your interest. Each description has its specific paragraph about the application process and a link to the online application platform. Fill in the online application form, upload the necessary documents and check your mailbox regularly.

For more information click here.