február 10. - május 24.Egész napos
március 13.18:30 - 19:30
március 24. 17:00 - április 1. 21:00
április 8. - 10.Egész napos
április 14. - 22.Egész napos
The International Cochran Piano Competition was created in 2014 as the first entirely online piano competition in the world and was inspired by the music of Julian Cochran – Australian composer.
So far, four editions have taken place, in which participated 500 pianists from all over the world. Its unique formula allows participants to submit recordings of their performances digitally, with no traveling required.
The repertoire has to consist of Julian Cochran’s music. The performances are evaluated by the Jury consisting of prominent, award-winning musicians who do not communicate between one another – so far, these have included Yejin Gil, Stuart Isacoff, Roberto Prosseda, Jacob Shaw, Gil Sullivan, Krzysztof Jabłoński, and Kevin Kenner. Moreover, not only do they assign scores, but they also provide written feedback for every participant, as one of the core assumptions of the Competition is to provide the contestants with an opportunity to develop. Each participant is also offered a Skype conversation with the Jury member of their choice. As the Competition is supposed to be accessible for everyone, there is no upper age limit.
The organizers would like to share with you some important information concerning the next edition of the International Cochran Piano Competition. They have introduced some significant changes. First of all, they have a new, lower application fee of 50 USD. As always, this is the only expense and there are no additional costs involved.
Another change concerns the main prize. They know that after the COVID-19 pandemic everyone is missing the joys of traveling. Therefore, while the 2019 edition offered a trip to Monaco, this time the winner receives a 5-day residency award taking place in Adelaide, Australia!
Finally, the joint duration of the performance recordings has been reduced from 30-40 minutes to 15-20 minutes. Moreover, this time your repertoire will consist solely of Julian Cochran’s works of your choice.
They would also like to point out that the primary purpose of the International Cochran Piano Competition has always been to provide the contestants with an opportunity for professional, artistic, and personal development. That is why, regardless of the final results, every participant receives:
The registration for the fifth edition starts on September 3, 2020 – next Thursday!
We encourage you to visit their new website where you can find all the important information. If you happen to have any questions, do not hesitate to contact them at