február 10. - május 24.Egész napos
március 13.18:30 - 19:30
március 24. 17:00 - április 1. 21:00
április 8. - 10.Egész napos
április 14. - 22.Egész napos
Pályázz egy kiváló lehetőségre, hogy láthatóvá, hallhatóvá és elismertté válj!
US-CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL MUSIC COMPETITION is more than just a regular music competition; it's an opportunity to join a vibrant community that revels in the beauty and diversity of music. It’s a celebration of the artistry and dedication that musicians bring to the stage, an acknowledgment of their relentless pursuit of excellence, and a tribute to their contribution to the cultural fabric of our societies.
We invite you to be part of this exhilarating journey. Join the US-Canadian International Music Competition and be a part of a community that not only recognizes talent but nurtures it, fostering a deeper connection with the art of music. Let’s celebrate the power and beauty of music together!
17 FEBRUARY 2025
Based in Bolzano, Italy, the Gustav Mahler Academy is one of the leading summer courses in Europe and received huge media attention last summer for its recording and tour of Mahler symphonies on period instruments under Philipp von Steinaecker.
A Talent Music Summer Opera & Courses Festival 2025 keretében Kerekes Blanka fuvolaművész mesterkurzust tart Olaszországban, Bresciában 2025. július 14–19. között.
The Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (Slovakia) is pleased to invite students and young professionals to participate in our upcoming International Vocal Competition, organized by the Faculty of Music and Dance.
The 26th International Piano Competition of Paris Region.
It will be held from 1 to 7 June 2025 in the former church of Maisons-Laffitte (78).
First Round Application Deadline
29 January 2025 at 23:59 Eastern Time
Do not miss the opportunity to participate in a new International Concerto Competition!
During the Talent Music Master courses, soloists will have the opportunity to perform with a professional Master Orchestra, in Brescia, Italy.
A verseny 2025. március 27. és 30. között zajlik és szeretettel vár bármely hangszeren játszó zenészeket a brescia-i (Olaszország) Contrada San Giovanni 12. szám alatt.
Jelentkezési határidő: 2025. február 23.
Massimo Iannone énekedző két mesterkurzussal tér vissza Németországba:
-BERLIN, 2025. február 2., a Berlini Zeneakadémián Nord
- MÜNCHEN, 2025. február 20., a Steinway & Sonsban
2025 május 9-11. között megrendezésre kerül a 7. Spezzaferri László Nemzetközi Zenei Díj.
A verseny a verona-i Palazzo della Gran Guardia festői környezetében zajlik.
A jelentkezési határidő 2025. április 15.
6th Danubia Talents Liszt International Music Competition Roma, Italy from 25th March to 28th March 2025
Under the Honorary President Anne Queffélec, the Competition Committee is pleased to announce the registrations are now opened.
The Gustav Mahler Academy is one of the leading summer courses in Europe and received huge media attention last summer for its recording and tour of Mahler symphonies on period instruments under Philipp von Steinaecker.
A Bayreuth-i Francia-Német Fiatal Művészek Fóruma pályázatot hirdet a 2025 tavaszán megrendezésre kerülő éves Nemzetközi Zenekari Akadémián való részvételre.
The Bayreuth Franco-German Forum for Young Artists would like to draw your attention to its call for applications for its annual international orchestral academy in spring 2025.
The Bayreuth Franco-German Forum for Young Artists would like to draw your attention to its call for applications for its annual international orchestral academy in spring 2025.
A Frau Musika Orchestra Andrea Marcon vezénylésével új meghallgatásokat tart brácsa, hegedű, cselló, nagybőgő, fagott és oboa pozíciókra.
Idén 10. alkalommal kerül megrendezésre a Nemzetközi Johannes Brahms Kamarazenei Verseny (ICMC). Az eseményt a Stanisław Moniuszko Zeneakadémia szervezi, 2025. május 14-től 18-ig a lengyelországi Gdańskban.
"Praeludium," a groundbreaking project by the acclaimed Italian pianist and artist Maestro Massimiliano Valenti, merges the worlds of music and visual art in an unforgettable experience. This world premiere presentation will be available starting February 2025, offering a rare opportunity to host an innovative and highly anticipated artistic performance.
2024 Grand Maestro International Music Competition (4th Edition)
Special Commemorative Edition in honor and memory of Bela Bartok
Application Deadline First Round: 5th October 2024
A 7. Vilniusi Nemzetközi Ifjúsági Zenei Versenyt, a Premio Scarlatti-t, 2024. október 26. és 30. között rendezik meg Litvániában, Vilniusban.
//The 7th Vilnius International Youth Music Competition "Premio Scarlatti" will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, from 26 to 30 October 2024.
The Main Prize-winner’s Concert will be held on 31st October 2024 in the Great Renaissance Hall of the National Museum Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania.
A brüsszeli Brussels Chamber Ensemble (BCE) kamarazenekar a következő koncertjén, 2024. október 12-én a Brüsszeli Királyi Konzervatórium Nagytermében (Conservatoire Royale de Bruxelles) a BCE magyar zeneszerzők műveit játssza, az Európai Unió Tanácsának magyar elnöksége tiszteletére.
ONLINE COMPETITION (Video selection)
1 JULY 2024
Winners' concert on 2 October 2024 at:
5 music albums / Over $50,000 in prizes
All music disciplines - All ages
Choirs will have the opportunity to take part in free friendship concerts in churches and venues around the city and should prepare a 15 minute programme which can include sacred and secular music.
The countdown is on - in one month, on 30 June 2024, the application phase for the 14th International Art Song Competition Stuttgart, which will be held at the HMDK Stuttgart from 24 - 29 September 2024, will end.
A brüsszeli Brussels Chamber Ensemble (BCE) kamarazenekar a következő koncertjén, 2024. október 12-én a Brüsszeli Királyi Konzervatórium Nagytermében (Conservatoire Royale de Bruxelles) a BCE magyar zeneszerzők műveit játssza, az Európai Unió Tanácsának magyar elnöksége tiszteletére.
Cluj International Flute & Clarinet Masterclasses 2024 are inviting you to apply till 10 June 2024.
We are pleased to send you the rules for the 45th Young Composer Competititon, Frederic Mompou International Award, 2024.
After the great success of the last editions (with hundreds of competitors for each edition), the Lams Award Matera - Festival/ International Competition for young musicians reaches the 24th edition, with important news in the Awards awarded and is part of the many initiatives of LAMS, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Basilicata Region, the City of Matera.
3rd "Sava Dimitrov" International Clarinet Competition will consist of four categories, featuring musicians from 12 to 33 years of age.
Important news on the 43rd International Violin Competition " RODOLFO LIPIZER PRIZE", 7-15 September 2024, - new site in all languages.
PRIZES: prizes and special prizes distributed in the three rounds, as per regulations.
FREE HALF-BOARD ACCOMMODATION: all competitors will be granted free half-board accommodation in student boarding schools from 6 September, during official participation. Companions for a fee will be accommodated.
JURY: it is made up of an Italian composer and by four illustrious violinists of international level, , with neutrality guaranteed by the Organizing Committee.
MAXIMUM AGE: violinists of any nationality born after 15 September 1991 (31 years old) can participate.
RULES FOR ADMISSION: considering the difficulties of sending by post, all documents can be forwarded by e-mail
REGISTRATION FORM: to be sent to the Competition Secretariat, or through the institutional website, BEFORE 15 MAI 2024.
Registrations will close at the latest on April 19th, 2024
A XXIII. KotorArt Don Branko’s Music Days Nemzetközi Fesztivál július 15. és augusztus 14. között kerül megrendezésre, lehetőséget adva fiatal művészek kézségeinek továbbfejlesztésére.
Időpont: 2024. július 5-7.
Helyszín: Olaszország - Róma
IDŐPONTJA: 2024. június 4-6.
Registration open until May 17, 2024
We are thrilled to draw your attention to the 12th edition of our international chamber music competition Franz Schubert und die Musik der Moderne which will take place at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz from Feburary 8 - 15, 2025 and kindly ask you to spread the word and forward this information to interested chamber musicians and Lied singers.
Consorzio Marche Spettacolo, with the support of the Marche Region and in collaboration with the Municipality of Pesaro and Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024, announces the first edition of the International Singing Competition Tebaldi Gigli Corelli, which will be held from March 12th to 17th, 2024, at the Teatro Rossini in Pesaro (Italy).
The applications are now open to opera singers of all nationalities. All male candidates who have not reached the age of 36 and all female candidates who have not reached the age of 32 can participate in the competition.
A St. Cecília Nemzetközi Ének- és Hangverseny online megrendezendő zenei versenye szeretettel várja előadó, zeneszerző és karmester szakos diákok jelentkezését.
Összesen több mint £3000 összegű pénzjutalom kerül kiosztásra különdíjak és fődíj formájában.
A regisztráció határideje 2023. december 15.
General Director of the Slovak State Philharmonic Košice invites you to the orchestra
for the positions:
· Violin Tutti
· Principal Viola
· Concertmaster of a Cello Group
· Associate Principal Double Bass
Az Egyiptomi Nagykövetség felhívást tett közzé az Egyiptomi Kulturális Központ az arab nyelvet nem anyanyelvi szinten beszélőknek szóló közelgő programjairól. A részletes programleírás alább található, valamint az e-mail címen lehet bővebb tájékoztatást kérni.
The International Clara Schumann Competition is an international online classical music competition for young musicians around the world. The 2023 edition is open to musicians from all over the world, and in the categories of Piano, Strings, Voice, Woodwinds, Piano 4 hands & Chamber Music. Each discipline is divided into different age categories.
The Rossini Conservatoire of Music organizes the XIX edition of the International Harpsichord Competition Gianni Gambi.
The 3rd International Voice Competition “Opera Crown” will be held in Tbilisi, Georgia on November 20-25, 2023.
The first deadline for applications ends on October 16, and the second round of applications starts on Tuesday, October 17. Applications will be open until October 30.
We would like to inform you that the 20th International opera competition "Lazar Jovanović", organized by the Cultural element will be held from November 9th to November 12th 2023 at the Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment, located at Studentski trg 5, Belgrade.
General Director of the Slovak State Philharmonic Košice invites you to the orchestra
for the positions:
The International Festival 'Italian Brass Week' reaches its 24th edition this year and will take place in Florence and Arezzo, from 23 to 28 July 2023. The Festival was born within the Italian Brass Network Cultural and Musical Association, in collaboration with the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, the Florentine Chamber Orchestra, with the patronage of the Municipality and Metropolitan City of Florence, the Tuscany Region, the Consulates and international Embassies.
On the occasion of the 12th International Competition “Franz Schubert and Modern Music” 2025, member of the World Federation of International Music Competitions and the Alink-Argerich Foundation, contemporary compositions for Trio for Piano, Violin and Violoncello (Piano Trio) are sought. The primary aim of this competition is to encourage the creation of new works for this chamber music category.
The prizewinning work will be on the programme of the above-mentioned competition in February 2025 as a compulsory piece in the category Piano Trio and will be premiered and performed several times.
For this celebration, the festival invites 3 musicians who were very close to Casals (cellist Miklós Perényi, violinist Pinchas Zukerman and pianist Richard Goode) and many talented young musicians for whom Casals remains a core inspiration.
We would like to kindly ask you to publish an announcement about our July audition, for the positions:
· 1st Violin Tutti
· 2nd Violin Tutti
· Principal Viola
· Viola Tutti (Maternity cover)
· Violoncello Tutti (Cover for long-term sick leave)
· Associate Principal Double Bass
The Lams Matera Award International Festival/Contest for young musicians (entitled "Rosa Ponselle" until 2018) reaches its twenty-third edition and is part of the many artistic and cultural initiatives of the LAMS, with the patronage of the Ministry for Culture, the Basilicata Region, the Municipality of Matera, the Province of Matera.
Application deadline:
16 May 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline: 30TH April 2023
Important news on the 42nd International Violin Competition " RODOLFO LIPIZER PRIZE", 8-17 September 2023, - new site in all languages.
The Musical Cultural Association “Euritmia” in Povoletto has organised the International Competition for Young Instrumentalists since 1997; the Competition hosts young instrumentalists from public and private Music Schools, Conservatories and from band-oriented musical courses.
A hamburgi Allee Theater a 2023-ban és 2024-ben bemutatandó „I due Figaro”, „Orpheus in Underworld” és „La traviata” castingját végzi, amelyre jelentkezőket keres.
Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (Slovakia) invites students and young professionals to take part in the upcoming International Flute Competition organized by the Faculty of Music and Dance.
Competition will take place in Bratislava (Slovakia) 07–13 Sep, 2023.
Presence Festival Orchestra: 04.08.2022 (arrival) to 14.08.2022 (departure).
The Höri Musiktage ( is a festival for classical music on the western shores of Lake Constance. It was founded in 2017 and will enter its seventh year in 2023 with a total of 15 concerts. The festival offers chamber and orchestra concerts, formats for children and families. Every year, the festival orchestra is made up of young international professional musicians and music students.
Chamber ensemble consisting of violin, viola, cello, double bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and French horn, with a minimum of seven instruments and no repeated instruments.
For any clarification please contact us: email: | website:
The Announcement of the Competition, which will take place from 8 to 17 September 2023, is about to be published.
We are glad to announce that the 1st Mansurian International Competition has launched on the 15th of October, 2022. The competition proudly carries the name of Tigran Mansurian, one of the greatest Armenian contemporary composers.
A Birmingham International Music Competition egy nemzetközi komolyzenei verseny, amely online zajlik, és ígéretes fiatal zenészeknek és aktív szakembereknek egyaránt lehetőséget kínál arra, hogy megmutassák zenei tehetségüket a világ színpadán.
Az EMA nyitott minden nemzetiségű énekes, hangszeres (zongora, vonós, fúvós és ütős hangszerek) és kamarazene előadó előtt. Az EMA-nál nagyra értékelik a széles művészi látókörrel és színpadi jelenléttel rendelkező művészeket. Fő céljuk feltörekvő fiatal művészek felfedezése és támogatása nemzetközi karrierjük beindításában. A World Classical Music Forum Berlinben rendezi meg az EMA 2022-t.
A King Abdullah Tudományos és Technológiai Egyetem (KAUST) a világ egyik vezető egyeteme a Vörös-tenger partján, Szaúd-Arábiában. Az egyetemi campus gazdag multikulturális közösséggel rendelkezik 8330 polgárral, akiknek 17%-a iskolás korú gyermek.
A London Classical Music Competition (LCMC) egy nemzetközi online klasszikus zenei verseny zenészeknek. Nyitott minden nemzetiség és korosztály számára zongora, vonós, fúvós, ének- és kamarazene terén.
Megnyílt a jelentkezés azon hallgatók számára, akik a 2022/2023-as nyári szemesztert az aMuz – Gdansk-ban szeretnék tölteni!
A jelentkezések beérkezésének határideje: november 15.
Next summer, the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival will once again offer aspiring orchestral musicians from all over the world the opportunity to become members of the international festival orchestra on a scholarship.
In addition to principal conductor Christoph Eschenbach, Ruth Reinhardt, Ton Koopman, Holly Choe and Michael Sanderling will conduct the young orchestra in 2023. You find highlights of orchestral literature such as Elgar’s Enigma Variations, Mendelssohn’s Italian, and Bruckner's 5th Symphony on the program this year.
2022. december 1. és 4. között kerül megrendezésre a Szabadkai Zeneiskolában a PIANISSIMO 2022 - fiatal zongoristák fesztiválja.
The 12th edition of the Livorno Music Festival takes place from 16 August to 7 September 2022. The program includes 20 concerts in the most culturally significant places in the city and 25 master classes, favoring the promotion of international cultural exchanges and the formation of young musicians of all ages and nationalities. The courses are aimed in particular at graduates, young and very young talents, with the aim of bringing together musicians from all over the world and making them live in close contact with great names on the international music scene, also giving them the opportunity to play with artists in the concert program through a selection procedure, creating a real "music workshop" thanks to the close connection between the concert activity and that of training workshops.
The “22nd LAMS Matera Award” - Edition 2022: live & online - 22nd International Festival-Contest is organized by the Laboratorio Arte Musica E Spettacolo in Matera, Italy, welcoming solo performers and chamber musicians to compete live or online from 27 to 29 April 2022.
The international Schleswig-Holstein Festival Orchestra has enjoyed a superb reputation worldwide since its founding in 1987 by Leonard Bernstein. Every year young musicians from all over the world get the opportunity to study and perform great works with famous conductors. In addition, a team of principal players from top-rank orchestras and professors from European music academies leads chamber music and sectional rehearsals.
The International Instrumental and Vocal Performance Contest - 2nd Online edition organized by University of Oradea – Faculty of Arts / Music Department is dedicated to students from vocational institutions, as well as to young professional musicians and will unfold between 16 February - 7 May 2022
For the 9th time we are pleased to present International Johannes Brahms Chamber Music Competition (ICMC). The event is organised by Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music and it will take place on May 12th - 15th 2022 in Gdańsk, Poland.
Open call for the Pablo Casals International Award 2022, which aims to support young cellists in their studies so they can perfect their technique and develop their art through training with top teachers.
The Pablo Casals International Award is open to cello students from around the world born after 31 December 2000.
This year’s entrance examination of the Swiss Opera Studio, Bern Academy of the Arts will be held online once again due to some ongoing travel restrictions.
International Piano Competition of Ile-de-France 2022
Registration by 23 April
The Faculty of Arts Music Department / University of ORADEA invites you to participate in the 2nd Online Edition of the INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTAL AND VOCAL CONTEST that will unfold between 16 February 2022 - 23 April 2022.
From July 23 to August 3, 2022 the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival will offer young musicians the possibility to study with internationally renowned artists at the Masterclasses at the Musichochschule Lübeck.
The application for the KotorArt Academy is open to young musicians from all over the world who want to improve their musical skills, broaden their horizons and gain new experiences in an environment that inspires and encourages personal and professional development.
Der Internationale Musikwettbewerb der ARD vom 29. August bis 16. September 2022 findet in den Flachern Flöte, Posaune, Streichquartett und Klavier statt.
Die aktuelle Ausschreibung mit allen Informationen zum 71. Wettweberb gibt's hier zum Download.
INTERNATIONAL CONCERTO COMPETITIONS 2022 EDITION is a monthly competition where applicants have a monthly deadline to apply.
Winners of each session will perform a winner public concert with the Master Orchestra in Brescia, Italy.
November 26-30, 2021
(remote participation)
The competition is open to candidates from all countries whose age does not exceed 32 years on the first day of the competition (i.e. those born on or after 24th of October 1990).
The competition is a three-round. Competition will be held:
1st Round - 24-26 October 2022, Petr Bezruč Library in Opava,
2nd Round - 27 October 2022, Church of St. John the Baptist in Hlučín,
3rd Round - 29 October 2022, Church of St. Vojtěch in Opava.
Nominations: piano, amateur piano, piano ensembles, teacher-student, concertmaster skills.
Applications are accepted until 13 October 2021 inclusive.
A nagyváradi székhelyű Posticum kulturális központ zenekari mesterkurzust és koncertturnét szervez 2021. szeptember 17-26 között. A meghívott karmester PETR ZEJFART, a pármai főiskola tanára, aki 2009. és 2011 között már vezette a Posticum Orchestrát.
They would like to warmly invite young singers of all cultures throughout the world to take part in the 1st International Singing Competition BEL CANTO online (Germany).
Under the watchful eyes and ears of the international jury, participants can use the competition to judge their own standard and to compare themselves in an international setting.
With the reopening of the borders and the resumption of international flights, we inform you that in derogation of art. 1 of the rules for admission to the 40th International Violin Competition "Rodolfo Lipizer Prize" the the registration deadlines are extended to 30th JUNE 2021 and beyond with pre-registration.
RULES FOR ADMISSION: considering the difficulties, notwithstanding point 3), all submissions can be by e-mail.
The Association Musica e Spettacolo in partnership with Opera e Lirica srls and Museo Correale of Terranova, presents the International Opera Singing Competition in Sorrento.
After the success of the first edition, which took place in Sorrento in 2018, the young association continues to aim to create opportunities for its artists, especially the young promises, through scholarships and professional opportunities.
Together with this, the Opera Competition and in particular the prize-giving Concert, want to represent the resumption of cultural activities and live entertainment in Sorrento.
This event, created by the Chitarra In Association, is totally dedicated to the classical guitar world and its wonderful instruments.
Their mission is to further attract international attention on the Exhibition and promote Italian guitar-making in general.
They are willing to make this event a permanent reference point, competitive and prestigious in the area of guitar-making and visible throughout the World.
This year's edition of the International Millennium Piano Competition will take place ONLINE between June 7-9, 2021.
The purpose of this contest is to discover and encourage the children who are devoted to the music study, especially the piano.
Any composer who is no older than 35 on 31 December 2021 can participate in this competition.
The works must be completely unknown. They must not have been previously performed, published or disseminated in any format.
The Höffmann Academic Award is part of a long-term programme aimed at promoting intercultural competence, which is the key to peaceful and constructive cooperation between people of various ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. Intercultural competence enables us to identify common ground and to learn from our characteristic features. In many ways, intercultural issues are an integral element of academic research for numerous disciplines.
Open to candidates from all over the world and all pianistic levels, the deadline for application is 23 April 2021.
From 26 July to 7 August, as part of the 69th Ljubljana Festival, we will once again be offering young musicians from Slovenia and abroad an opportunity to further develop their talents at the Ljubljana Festival Masterclasses.
Open to ALL music disciplines and ALL ages
-ONLINE COMPETITION- (video selection: no travel required to apply)
Application deadline: 20th April 2021
Between 18 and March 19, 2021 will be the International Conference Music and Art in Pandemic seeking to record both artistic experiences, social, managerial and educational this year pandemic and that of similar situations in the history of epidemics. The conference takes place via Zoom in English, French, Hungarian and Romanian in two sections: Music and Performing Arts.
Az Oktatási Hivatal a "Tematikus együttműködés erősítése a köznevelés és felsőoktatás terén a Kárpát-medence szomszédos országaival" (EFOP-3.10.1-17-2017-00001) projekt keretében multidiszciplináris tudományos konferenciát szervez kárpát-medencei magyar doktoranduszoknak, doktorjelölteknek, fiatal kutatóknak, illetve a kutatás iránt érdeklődő mesterszakos hallgatóknak.
Időpont: 2021. március 30-31.
The International Instrumental and Vocal Performance Contest -1st Online edition organized by University of Oradea – Faculty of Arts / Music Department is dedicated to students from vocational Romanian and abroad institutions, as well as to young professional musicians.
The deadline for registration is April 15, 2021.
The deadline for auditor registration is May 31, 2021.
Pro Juventus Foundation would like to invite you to take part in the 1st International Piano Competition - Music Phenomena 2020
The main aim of the competition is to find young talents from all over the world by the very prominent jury.
Application deadline: 31st January 2021.
Jelentkezési határidő (beleértve a videók linkjének beérkezését): 2021. március 1., hétfő
A verseny eredményét a oldalon hirdetik ki legkésőbb 2021. március 23-ig.
Registration opens for the 22nd International Piano Competition of Ile de France.
Registration deadline 23rdApril 2021.
Hc Welth and NOMEA organize an online competition platform to give young musicians a chance in this time of great global crisis.
The competition searches new talents in the performing arts to elevate their skills and to implement their career with important experiences:
Scholarships, Auditions, World Concerts Tour, Professional Recording, Workshops and Official Certificates.
This edition will be dedicated to singing with two sections:
1.Opera Singer
2.Musical Theater Singer
The International Cochran Piano Competition was created in 2014 as the first entirely online piano competition in the world and was inspired by the music of Julian Cochran – Australian composer.
So far, four editions have taken place, in which participated 500 pianists from all over the world. Its unique formula allows participants to submit recordings of their performances digitally, with no traveling required.
The repertoire has to consist of Julian Cochran’s music. The performances are evaluated by the Jury consisting of prominent, award-winning musicians who do not communicate between one another – so far, these have included Yejin Gil, Stuart Isacoff, Roberto Prosseda, Jacob Shaw, Gil Sullivan, Krzysztof Jabłoński, and Kevin Kenner. Moreover, not only do they assign scores, but they also provide written feedback for every participant, as one of the core assumptions of the Competition is to provide the contestants with an opportunity to develop. Each participant is also offered a Skype conversation with the Jury member of their choice. As the Competition is supposed to be accessible for everyone, there is no upper age limit.
They expect the world´s best current teachers and horn players, who are ready to pay close attention to students for three days in November ( 12th to 15th November, 2020) in the cozy environment of the Quinta da Pedra Grande Hotel.
They are happy to announce the names of their special guests, professors of the course.
Prof. Abel Pereira
Prof. Frøydis Ree Wekre
Prof. Szabolcs Zempléni
Prof. Saar Berger
Prof. Javier Bonet
Trompas Lusas (J. Bernardo Silva, Bruno Rafael, Hugo Sousa, Nuno Costa) – Horn Ensemble
The preliminary plan of the course includes, in addition to a teachers concert and a students final concert a lecture and a workshop about work of the horn quartet led by a leading Portuguese ensemble Trompas Lusas.
They will send all detailed informations immediately to those who will be interested and will contact them via email address:
The Samnium University of Music has decided to launch a project that represents an attempt to offer musicians all over the world a valid and concrete possibility: INTERNATIONAL ORCHESTRA AUDITIONS AWARDS.
Through an online competition/audition, 60 musicians will be selected who will have the opportunity to play a European tour in the staff of the Samnium Symphony Orchestra in June 2021, in some of the most prestigious halls in the world: among these undoubtedly the Glass Hall of the MUSIKVEREIN IN VIENNA on June 21,2021. Besides, the winners of the First Absolute Prize will receive a $ 1500.00 scholarship.
The audition will take place online and is divided into two phases:
- pre-selection (completely free) in which candidates must send a video of their choice from the solo repertoire, deadline August 31, 2020;
- final phase in which candidates must record and send one of the orchestral excerpts chosen from those received by the Jury at the end of preselections.
June 4-15, 2020 - Registration deadline
August 16, 2020 - Video recording submission deadline
September 1, 2020 - Winner announced
The Pablo Casals International Award for Young Cellists opens its registrations period until 13 July 2020.
Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven and the 210th Anniversary of Frédéric Chopin.
Application deadline: 2nd March (Monday), 2020 for all programs
Rossi fest is an international music festival inspired by the work of eminent composer Salomone Rossi, who, through nurturing Jewish musical heritage, fosters intercultural dialogue and excites young musicians from all over the world.