február 10. - május 24.Egész napos
március 13.18:30 - 19:30
március 24. 17:00 - április 1. 21:00
április 8. - 10.Egész napos
április 14. - 22.Egész napos
They expect the world´s best current teachers and horn players, who are ready to pay close attention to students for three days in November ( 12th to 15th November, 2020) in the cozy environment of the Quinta da Pedra Grande Hotel.
They are happy to announce the names of their special guests, professors of the course.
Prof. Abel Pereira
Prof. Frøydis Ree Wekre
Prof. Szabolcs Zempléni
Prof. Saar Berger
Prof. Javier Bonet
Trompas Lusas (J. Bernardo Silva, Bruno Rafael, Hugo Sousa, Nuno Costa) – Horn Ensemble
The preliminary plan of the course includes, in addition to a teachers concert and a students final concert a lecture and a workshop about work of the horn quartet led by a leading Portuguese ensemble Trompas Lusas.
They will send all detailed informations immediately to those who will be interested and will contact them via email address: