február 10. - május 24.Egész napos
március 13.18:30 - 19:30
március 24. 17:00 - április 1. 21:00
április 8. - 10.Egész napos
április 14. - 22.Egész napos
From 26 July to 7 August, as part of the 69th Ljubljana Festival, we will once again be offering young musicians from Slovenia and abroad an opportunity to further develop their talents at the Ljubljana Festival Masterclasses.
Each year artistic director Branimir Slokar invites top musicians and internationally renowned teachers to teach these masterclasses. Each masterclass will end with a concert by participants at the Ljubljana Academy of Music. Students will also be able to hearconcerts by the guest teachers over the course of five evenings in Križanke’s Knights’ Hall. All music students and young artists interested in gaining new experiences and associating with top-flight musicians in one of Europe’s most beautiful capital cities, Ljubljana, are invited to attend the masterclasses.
For more information click here.