február 10. - május 24.Egész napos
március 13.18:30 - 19:30
március 24. 17:00 - április 1. 21:00
április 8. - 10.Egész napos
április 14. - 22.Egész napos
November 26-30, 2021
(remote participation)
Founders and organizers of the competition:
The International Art Center "Key to success", Kazan, Russia
Goals and objectives of the contest:
Conditions of the competition:
Date of the festival-competition: November 26-30, 2021
Application deadline: until November 24, 2021
The results on the official website: December 2, 2021
Sending award materials: December 3-5, 2021
Online Gala concert of the winners of the competition: December 9, 2021
Participants of the competition:
Soloists, ensembles, orchestras engaged in children's art schools, children's music schools, leisure centers, cultural centers, palaces of children's and youth creativity, students of high schools, colleges, universities, conservatories and other institutions and adult performancers are invited to participate.
The competition is held in the following categories:
The age of the participants is determined as of 26.11.2021.
Category I – up to 6 years inclusive;
Category II – 7-8 years inclusive;
Category III – 9-10 years inclusive;
Category IV – 11-12 years inclusive;
Category V – 13-15 years inclusive;
Category VI – 16-19 years old inclusive;
Category VII – 20-25 years inclusive;
Category VIII–from 26 years and beyond without age restrictions.
The age category of the ensemble is determined by the average age of the team members.
Category I – Up to 8 years old;
Category II – 9-12 years;
Category III – 13-16 years old;
Category IV – College ensembles;
Category V – University or conservatory ensembles;
Category VI – Adult ensembles
In ensembles of I, II, III categories with a number of more than 6 people, the participation of a teacher as part of the ensemble is allowed.
Category I – Children orchestras (schools etc.);
Category II – College orchestras;
Category III – University or conservatory orchestras
Category IV – Orchestras of adult professional musicians
Orchestras of the first and second categories may contain up to 20 percent of participants from among teachers or adult performers
In exceptional cases, at the request of the jury, copies of the birth certificate or passport of the contestant may be requested individually to clarify compliance with the age category.
The order of the competition:
The contest is held remotely based on the sent videos.
Program requirements:
The contestants perform two different works with a total duration of up to 10-15 minutes.
Video recording requirements:
The recording of the performance can be made on any type of equipment with good sound and image quality. It is allowed to provide several videos from different performances of the contestant. The video can be edited from different performances, glued into one track and presented with a single link. It is also allowed to place each entry under a separate link. Video editing inside one work is prohibited!
Attention! The Organizing Committee does not accept files with a video recording of the performance by e-mail, WhatsApp or other means. The video of the competitive performance must be placed on the website or use any public cloud storage. The link to the video is attached in a special form when making an application on the website of the International Art Center "Key to Success":
Application procedure:
The competition jury:
The jury consists of famous musicians and teachers, prominent figures of culture and art of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan.
The list of jury members is published on the website of the International Art Center "Key to Success" and in the VK group
The system for evaluating the performance of participants:
The jury evaluates the results of the competition separately in each category and in each age group. The decision of the jury is determined by the arithmetic mean of the points awarded, is final and is not subject to appeal.
The evaluation of the participants' performance is set according to a 10-point system.
Evaluation criteria:
The jury reserves the right to:
Teachers-members of the jury who have put their students to participate in the competition do not participate in voting on these contestants.
At the request of the contestant, according to the preliminary application, the jury members form a review of the performance of the contestant/contestants. This review will be sent to your email address along with diplomas and letters of thanks. The cost of the review of the jury members for one application is 1000 rubles, paid additionally.
ATTENTION! The review is ON RUSSIAN language! We have no opportunity to translate it to your language, but you can use Google.translate by yourself.
Awarding of participants:
According to the number of points scored, the contestants are awarded the following titles:
Grand Prix: 10 points;
Laureate of the I degree: 9 – 9.9 points;
Laureate of the II degree: 8 – 8.9 points;
Laureate of the III degree: 7 – 7.9 points;
Diploma holder of the I degree: 6.5 – 6.9 points;
Diploma holder of the II degree: 6 – 6.4 points;
Diploma holder of the III degree: 5.5 – 5.9 points.
Diploma for participation: less than 5.5 points.
All award documents (Diplomas and Commendations) are sent electronically to the email address specified in the application.
We are holding a Gala concert of the Laureates online in our group on the social network VK. The participants of the gala concert are selected by the decision of the jury.
If necessary, the organizing committee has the right to request from the participant the original video recording of the competitive performance for the formation of a short video report on the competition.
Financial conditions of participation:
The registration fee is paid on the website of the International Art Center "Key to Success" in the PAYMENT section
Participation fee:
Other conditions:
Important! Please note: all the information specified in the online application will be displayed in the award materials, and therefore we ask you to carefully fill in all the data. All necessary adjustments to the registration data are accepted by e-mail no later than November 25, 2021.
The organizers of the contest are not responsible for the use of the contestants' works during performances.
All property claims, including those of authors and holders of related rights, can be addressed only to the participant of the competition.
The Organizing Committee has the right to use and distribute (without paying a fee to the participants and guests of the competition) audio and video recordings, printed and other products produced during the competition and following its results.
By agreeing to the publication of a video recording after the competition, the participant confirms his consent to the placement of a video recording of the performance or its fragments, as well as key information (full name, age category, educational institution, name of the teacher/concertmaster) on the website of the International Art Center, in the VK group and on the Youtube channel of the International Art Center.
The fact of submitting an application means consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 "On Personal Data".
Personal data means any information related to a certain person or an individual (subject of personal data) determined on the basis of such information, including his last name, first name, patronymic, age, educational institution, names of the contestant's supervisors, place of residence, postal and e-mail addresses. The participant of the competition guarantees the availability of the consent of parents (legal representatives) required by law for the processing of personal data of the participants of the competition, necessary for the competition, and bears all the responsibility arising from this.
The Organizing Committee accepts complaints and suggestions on the organization of events in writing by e-mail
We will definitely consider them and, if necessary, give an answer.
Contacts of International Art Center «The Key to Success»
E-mail address:
Organizing Committee:
tel. +7(917)282-00-79 (WhatsApp, Telegram) - Elvira Nogmanova (general, creative and financial issues)
tel. +7(904)673-52-75 (WhatsApp) - Olga Artemeva (applications, diplomas, amendments to the submitted information and other technical issues)