február 10. - május 24.Egész napos
március 13.18:30 - 19:30
március 24. 17:00 - április 1. 21:00
április 8. - 10.Egész napos
április 14. - 22.Egész napos
The competition is open to candidates from all countries whose age does not exceed 32 years on the first day of the competition (i.e. those born on or after 24th of October 1990).
The competition is a three-round. Competition will be held:
1st Round - 24-26 October 2022, Petr Bezruč Library in Opava,
2nd Round - 27 October 2022, Church of St. John the Baptist in Hlučín,
3rd Round - 29 October 2022, Church of St. Vojtěch in Opava.
is a part of the competition that is independent of the performance section. The improvisation competition is open to candidates from all countries whose age does not exceed 32 years on the first day of the competition (i.e. those born on or after 24 October 1990). The competition will take place on 26 October 2022 at the Co-cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Opava.
In 2022, the improvisation competition is dedicated to the memory of the late organist and improviser Aleš Rybka, who co-founded the Young Organists Competition in 1978.
Julian Gembalski, Poland (chair)
Petr Čech, Czech Republic
Irena Chřibková, Czech Republic
Aude Heurtematte, France
Zuzana Ferjenčíková, Slovakia/Switzerland
Martin Sander, Germany
Marek Vrábel, Slovakia
1st prize: CZK 50.000
2nd prize: CZK 30.000
3rd prize: CZK 15.000
Improvisation: CZK 5.000
Special Prize awarded by the Czech Music Foundation (CMF) for the best performance of a composition by Petr Eben interpreted in the 3rd Round. The Jury may (with the exception of the 1st Prize, the Improvisation prizes, and the CMF Prize) divided the prize monies.
Concert for the winner
Remunerated performance at the Leoš Janáček International Music Festival, Janáček’s May – Silesian Organ Day, Opava 2023
Remunerated performance of one of the competition laureates for a solo recital as part of the International Organ Festival Audite Organum 2023 in St. Jacob's Basilica in Prague
Remunerated performance at the International Bratislava Organ Festival - 2023
Remunerated performance at the "Chorzowski Festiwal Muzyki Organowej i Kameralnej ORGANY PLUS" – Prize awarded by the Musica Polonia Fundation – October 2023
Organisation of the competition
The competition will take place from 24 to 29 October 2022 (registration for the 1st Round starts on 21 October 2022) at Petr Bezruč Library in Opava (1st Round), at the Church of St. John the Baptist in Hlučín (2nd Round), and at the Church of St. Vojtěch in Opava (3rd Round). The Improvisation competition will take place on 26 October 2022 at the Co-cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Opava. The candidates’ performances will be evaluated by a jury of experts appointed by the competition organizers. All rounds of the competition and the competitors’ names are public. The competition will end with a concert in the Church of St. Vojtěch in Opava. The winners will receive prizes and perform compositions chosen by the Jury without any remuneration for their performance. The competition proceedings and the jurors’ duties are specified in the “Rules of Procedure and Organisation of the 21st Petr Eben International Organ Competition 2022.”
The competitors are obliged to comply with the current Covid 19 anti-epidemic measures.
Entry fees
Interpretation: CZK 1.500 / EUR 60
Improvisation: CZK 500 / EUR 20
There is no entry fee in the category Improvisation. Fill in the electronic application form on the competition website by 17 June 2022 (attach a proof of payment and ID photo in JPG format, minimum resolution 800x1020px). The entry fee is non-refundable. The competition participants are expected to cover their accommodation and travel costs.
The competitors are obliged to comply with the current Covid 19 anti-epidemic measures.
Bank Details
Destination Bank: Raiffeisen Bank
Account No. (IBAN): CZ1155000000002856731010
Variable Symbol: date of birth (in numeric form – day, month, year – DDMMYYYY)
Payment type for payments from abroad: SHA
Message for the recipient: „competition - SURNAME“
Address of Beneficiary: Církevní konzervatoř Německého řádu, Beethovenova 1, CZ-746 01 Opava