február 10. - május 24.Egész napos
március 13.18:30 - 19:30
március 24. 17:00 - április 1. 21:00
április 8. - 10.Egész napos
április 14. - 22.Egész napos
INTERNATIONAL CONCERTO COMPETITIONS 2022 EDITION is a monthly competition where applicants have a monthly deadline to apply.
Winners of each session will perform a winner public concert with the Master Orchestra in Brescia, Italy.
March 2022: string instruments (violin, viola, cello, double-bass)
winner public concert: 27th of March 2022 at 20.30
application deadline: 27th of February 2022
April 2022: wind instruments (flute, bassoon, clarinet, horn, oboe, trumpets)
winner public concert: 24th of April 2022 at 20.30
application deadline: 27th of March 2022
May, June and July 2022: will be announced
General regulation:
The International Concerto Competitions 2022 are opened to the following instruments: piano, voice, string instruments (violin, viola, cello, double-bass), and wind instruments (flute, bassoon, clarinet, horn, oboe, trumpets).
Participants are required to submit video recording materials for the audition.
Instrumentalists should submit one or more movements of the chosen concerto from the list below.
Singers should submit maximum three different works, chosen from the list below.
The International Concerto Competitions 2022 are opened to Italian and foreign applicants. There is no age limit. Multiple winners will be chosen for each session. Minimum 3 winners for each session.
The chosen winners will be invited to perform one or more movements of the concerto with the Master Orchestra at the renowned Salone Monumentale del Refettorio of the Museo Diocesano of Brescia.
International panel of qualified judges will evaluate the audition materials. The concert pianist and professor M° Paolo Baglieri is invited as a Chairman of the International Concerto Competitions 2022.