Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Volunteering at the University of Szeged

A survey on voluntary services provided by the SZTE members is being conducted at the University of Szeged. Employees and students of the University are requested to submit their intention on voluntary services to be provided at Albert Szent-Györgyi Health Center in relation with tasks arising by virtue of the COVID-19 disease emergency.

Colleagues both with or without healthcare-related qualification – including duty personnel of the administration – can volunteer at the Head of their responsible department by filling out a spreadsheet dedicated to this purpose.

University students can apply by filling out the "COVID-19 Volunteer Helper Survey" form, available at https://modulo.etr.u-szeged.hu/Modulo2/default/forms/details/1849695. Medical students in their 6thyear however must follow a different procedure, they will receive additional instructions from the Registrar’s Office of the Faculty of Medicine.


According to the needs, the Health Center enters a voluntary agreement with chosen university citizens.


Useful links and other resolutions:

1/2020 (II.26.) Rector-Chancellor Circular regarding measures in connection with the spread of the coronavirus infection

Exemption from work duty

2/2020 (II.26.) Rector-Chancellor Circular regarding the students of the University of Szeged concerning measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection

3/2020 (III.05.) Rector-Chancellor Circular regarding the obligatory compliance with the measures imposed by the Coronavirus Operative Committee

Resolution for rectorial break

Modification of the spring break by the Rector

1/2020 (III.06.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

2/2020 (III.09.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

3/2020 (III.09.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

4/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

5/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

6/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

7/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

8/2020 (III.12.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

9/2020. (III.15.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

10/2020. (III.16.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

Spreadsheet attached to the 10/2020. (III.16.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

11/2020 (III.17.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee


General procedure on coronavirus issued by the National Public Health Service of Hungary here.

Informative video on coronavirus of WHO here.

WHO advices on hand washing here.


Previously in this topic:

Further Measures Have Been Introduced Concerning the Coronavirus at the University of Szeged

UPDATE 10th March 2020: Most Important Measures Concerning the Coronavirus Disease

UPDATED 11th March 2020: Educational break at the University of Szeged

Updated on the 12th March 2020: Measures Imposed with Immediate Effect at the University of Szeged

Updated: 12th March 2020 – Measures Applying to Events at the University of Szeged

Updated: 13th March 2020 - Information on Areas Affected with COVID-19 virus

Update 15th March 2020 - Postponement of Patient Care Not Requiring Immediate Medical Care

Updated: 16th March 2020 – Online education at the University of Szeged

Update: 17th March 2020 – New Measures on Employment

Update: 17th March 2020 – Special Measures on Students

Update: 18th March, 2020 - Bilingual chatbot extends student information at SZTE

Update: 30th March 2020 – Visiting University Building Remains Prohibited for Students

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