Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Updated: 12th March 2020 – Measures Applying to Events at the University of Szeged

In order to prevent the further spread of the virus, preventive and protective measures have been introduced at the University of Szeged. Organizing and hosting an event with more than 100 attendees indoors and more than 500 attendees outdoors is prohibited. The individual written (electronic) permission of the Coronavirus Operative Committee is necessary for the organization of events with 50-100 attendees indoors and 150-500 attendees outdoors.

The government has ordered a state of emergency in connection with protective measures against the new coronavirus, Gergely Gulyás, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office.


To prevent the spread of infection and to prevent the human epidemic causing mass disease endangering life and property and its consequences, concerning the Government Regulation on the measures to be taken in the state of emergency in order to protect the health and life of Hungarian citizens, the University of Szeged orders the followings in connection with its public events.


In order to prevent the further spread of the virus, preventive and protective measures have been introduced at the University of Szeged. Organizing and hosting an event with more than 100 attendees indoors and more than 500 attendees outdoors is prohibited. The individual written (electronic) permission of the Coronavirus Operative Committee is necessary for the organization of events with 50-100 attendees indoors and 150-500 attendees outdoors. The permission shall be requested at coronavirus.jelentes@rekt.szte.hu e-mail address.


When an event is held, either on or off University premises, it must be ensured that those who attend the event are Hungarian citizens or EEA citizens who are entitled to permanent residence, commenced residence in Hungary at least 30 days prior to the issue of the circular and have resided there continuously without interruption.


If the event is held, the University requests the participants to make a declaration about their citizenship and if they have visited a foreign country before the 2nd February 2020. Please find the Declaration to be filled out here.


Staff members responsible for organizing events – and those who rent out university venues for externally organized events – shall request participants to refrain from attending the event in the case of a potential threat.


It is the responsibility of both the organizer and the operator of the venue to enforce these provisions.


Latest resolutions and circulars:

Resolution for rectorial break

Modification of the spring break by the Rector

5/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

6/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

7/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

8/2020 (III.12.) Circular of the Coronavirus Committee


Useful links:

1/2020 (II.26.) Rector-Chancellor Circular regarding measures in connection with the spread of the coronavirus infection

Exemption from work duty

2/2020 (II.26.) Rector-Chancellor Circular regarding the students of the University of Szeged concerning measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection

3-2020 (III.05.) Rector-Chancellor Circular regarding the obligatory compliance with the measures imposed by the Coronavirus Operative Committee

1/2020 (III.06.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

2/2020 (III.09.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

3/2020 (III.09.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

4/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

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Before applying, please check and study the programme description of your interest. Each description has its specific paragraph about the application process and a link to the online application platform. Fill in the online application form, upload the necessary documents and check your mailbox regularly.

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