Tuesday, 11 March 2025


Our library is closed from the 11th of November according to the 484/2020. (XI. 10.) government decree and visiting the library areas are not available.

However according to Government Regulation 144/2021. (III. 27.) we can relaunch a few of our services on the 19th of April, 2021 from 8:00 am .

It should be noted that any new regulation from the government could change the following information regarding our services and we also reserve the right to change them. Please follow the hygiene and distancing rules strictly:
– wearing a facemask is mandatory
– at the entrance non-contact body temperature measurement is required
– please take at least 1,5 meter distance from each other at the queue line
– the maximum number of the people waiting in line cannot exceed the number of the metal poles, so please wait in front of the building when the line is full
If you have any questions, find our contact information on the bottom of the website. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Available services


Book requests are available via the online catalogue from 19th of April (from 8 am). Requests have to be initiated from home. Only borrowable items are available via the catalogue from the reading areas, the stack rooms and the special collections. The guide on how to use our online catalogue can be found here. Requests cannot be submitted in the library or via telephone. The estimated time for fulfilling a request is 3 hours. The exact date and time from when the documents are available at the circulation desk is shown in the catalogue when the request is submitted.
The requested documents can be received personally at the circulation desk of the library with a valid library card/student card. Regarding due dates and the rules of borrowing, the library’s general Circulation Policy is relevant. (Documents with statuses ‘Locally usable’ and ‘Loanable by SZTE citizens for the night’ are not available for borrowing.)


Patrons may return previously borrowed books from 19th of April, 2021. The previously automatically extended due dates (3th of May) will remain valid. You can check the status of your loans here. Patrons can also send the books back via post. Our address: 6722 Hungary, Szeged, Ady tér 10. Overdue fees were on a hold during the lockdown, but previously accumulated fees must be paid.


The first step of the registration for SZTE students is submitting our Membership declaration in the Modulo system and it has to be confrimed personally at the circulation desk to complete the registration procedure but only once during university studies. University staff has to register personally at the Circulation desk on weekdays between 8am and 4 pm. Read the terms and conditions here.

Updated on: 16 April 2021

Apply Now!

Before applying, please check and study the programme description of your interest. Each description has its specific paragraph about the application process and a link to the online application platform. Fill in the online application form, upload the necessary documents and check your mailbox regularly.

For more information click here.