2020. November 12.
In order to prevent the spread of the current pandemic caused by the coronavirus, to protect the physical, personal, legal and asset safety of the staff and students of the university, and to maintain the continuance of the education and the stable operation of the institution, the directorate of the University of Szeged – aligned with the recommendations of the sustaining body – has made the decision to issue the 4/2020. (XI.06.) joint rectorial-chancellory order. The order will take effect on 09 November 2020, and must be complied with by all staff and students of the University of Szeged, as well as anyone who enters the premises of any institution or establishment upheld and operated by the University of Szeged.
The major regulations of the order:
- All buildings of the University of Szeged can solely be visited by healthy individuals who do not show any symptoms of COVID-19.
- All staff and students of the university must comply with the personal hygiene regulations.
- Face masks must be worn on all inside or outside events hosted on the premises of the University of Szeged.
- Persons may be obligated to undergo body-temperature measurement and pre-triage investigation, as a temporary or permanent condition for entering any buildings or premises of the University of Szeged.
- Social distancing rules: upon queuing, 1.5 metres must be kept between each person waiting in the line, working stations and customer service areas must be built up at least 1.5 metres apart.
- Sports and leisure institutions can only be visited by healthy individuals, trainers or contributors who do not show any symptoms and feel healthy.
- Maintaining and monitoring the hygienic state of common halls (dressing rooms, showers, sanitary and other facilities) must be of utmost importance and attention.
- In order to decrease the concentration of possible hazardous pathogens in closed areas, regular ventilation of fresh air is necessary in increased intensity. In case of artificial ventilation – if the windows can be opened – it is suggested to apply natural ventilation as well.
The detailed order can be accessed on the following link:
rector__cancellor_circular_6_2020._xi.16._on rules at the University of Szeged during the State of Health Emergency