2020. November 14.
In order to prevent further spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19) infection and due to the announcement of Hungary’s Prime Minister on 9th November 2020 the University of Szeged will continue its education online as of November 16, 2020 till further notice.
Education at the University of Szeged (University) remains exclusively distance (online) during the state of health emergency. The Academic Calendar shall continue to apply. The principles of the form of education will be revised by the leaders of the University 30 days later depending on the current situation.
Main elements of distance education:
- Students may visit the buildings and facilities of the University in accordance with the relevant and separate regulations.
- Lessons, courses in distance form should be organized in the form of the so called synchronized form: held at the time of the originally announced lesson in a way that real time interactions between participants are ensured. Derogation may only be authorized by the Dean of the Faculty or by the Directorate of the Academic Affairs in case of courses not belonging to the given Faculty.
- It is required that materials of the synchronized lessons/courses should be accessible for those students who are unable to join it (due to illness, voluntary work, conflicting in the schedule of lessons) in order to be able to familiarize with it later.
- Instructors of distance education must announce consultation appointments for students once a week.
- Mid-term progress checks must be also organized in the form of distance education (online).
- The platform of the distance education is primarily CooSpace and its adjunct applications such as BigBlueButton, SlideCast, Beadandók – Handins, Vizsgatesztek-Tests, Videófogadóóra – Video Appointments, Tananyag – Materials). Other tools such as Youtube, MS Teams, Zoom, file shares in clouds may be used as well.
- During the Health Emergency lessons cannot be organized where knowledge transfer is not possible or strongly restricted in quality and efficiency in the form of distance learning. Such as: manual therapy or practices connected to the usage of tools, or other human interactions. In case of these courses the Dean will decide how the assignments/courses could be successfully accomplished (for example lessons organized in modules at a time when face to face education is possible again, or the postpone of the course to the next intake, teaching by alternative tools or by crediting voluntary work).
- Testing and progress test can only be organized in the form distance learning (online) regardless of their type (mid term testing, colloquium, comprehensive exam, final exam. Exceptions are doctoral defences, individual or team exams related to patient care depending on the capacities of the health care system.
For details please read the following regulation:
Rector-Chancellor Circular No. 12/2020 (XI.17.)